“Caged”, “Cage-free,” “pasture-raised Free-Range,” describe different methods of egg production. Essentially, these terms refer to the differing levels of animal welfare standards that farmers use on their farms.
Caged Eggs
Caged eggs come from hens who live their entire lives indoor, trapped in small cages. Typically, space smaller than a A4 size paper. It is a standard practice in India to confine 4 – 8 hens in a “cage” that are so small that the hens can barely move. The hens are treated with cruelty and raised in an unhygienic environment. This method of farming stops the hens from natural behavior, such as walking, flapping their wings, or wagging their tails.

In India, 80 – 90% of the commercially produced eggs come from the “battery caged farms “most of these farms adapt cruel practices & unhygienic environment for hens that produce and supply eggs to your plate.
Investigation into India’s Egg Industry (Source – Animal Equality )
Cage – Free Eggs
Cage-free eggs come from hens that can roam freely vertically and horizontally in indoor barns and have at least 1 square foot of floor space each. Cage Free farms typically have high hen density that restrict the hens from free movement within the barn and exhibit vicious habit of cannibalism due to stress.

“Serene Farms” – Free Range Eggs
All Serene Farms free-range eggs come from happy, healthy free-range hens that are raised in a beautiful, wide-open, green, grassy pasture. On all our Free-Range farms, kindness and love come first! our hens are out roosting under beautiful blue skies, scratching into green grass, dust bathing by a tall tree, access to perching, private & clean nest boxes and so much more.

Why Serene Farms?
Our farms are nestled in the serene beauty of the foothills of the Western Ghats, lined with tall mountains accentuated with misty peaks and lavish green valleys. We take pride in ensuring freshness and quality at every step of our farming process. Each time you choose our free-range eggs, you’re ensuring that gold standard nutrition comes direct to your table. We are sure you’ll love the taste and feel the difference!

Discover why we are the trusted source of high-quality eggs for your family. Please visit www.serenefarms.in and Pre-Order the nutritious free-range eggs today.